SmartQuiz, Geo Edition

4.6 ( 4286 ratings )
Игры Обучающие Викторины
Разработчик Softopus Garden
0.99 USD

Do you think you know all of the country flags in the world?

Can you identify the capital of any country?

SmartQuiz - Geo has over 2000 questions for you to prove it!

SmartQuiz - Geo has three games mode to play:

Flag Challenge: You have a minute to associate each country with its corresponding flag

Capital Challenge: Identify the capital of each one of the following country that will be shown

Full Mode: For one and a half minute you will have to answer questions about flags, countries, cities and continents.

Answering questions quickly will win you extra seconds and correct consecutive answers will multiply your score!

SmartQuiz - Geo stores your 10 best scores in each game mode!

In addition, you can upload your scores to GameCenter and compare them to your friends score!

Over 2000 questions
Three play modes
Compatible with GameCenter